I’m Edwy, a design director at IBM with a focus on brand expression and design systems

2017 – Present
Design Director
2019 – 2022
All Purpose Creative
Visual Design Lead
Dossier Creative
Brand designer
2014 – 2016
AJ Tailor Suits
Visual Designer
Indus Media Foundation
Exhibit Designer

Simon Fraser University
B.A. Interactive Arts & Technology
Minor Business Administration
Honours with Distinction


I’m interested in scalable and flexible design systems.
Scale in maintaining consistency and quality across an entire organization with a multitude of individual contributors. Flexible in providing opportunities for the expression to adapt to new contexts and be expanded over time.

I’m drawn to people who are captivated with their craft.
I like to thrive in high-functioning teams with individuals who are constantly curious and embrace the thrill of the unknown.

I deeply appreciate generosity and humility.
Mentors I highly respect have an inherent quality of generosity and humility. Contributing to the growth of others by sharing knowledge and uplifting others without reservation.


I’m fascinated with spatial design, in particular small-footprint spaces.
Currently I’m reading a book titled Never Too Small, which talks about the role of small space living in the midst of a climate crisis and rising housing affordability. There is also a Youtube channel with the same name which I highly recommend.
I enjoy catching the sunset.
Especially in difficult times, being immersed in the vastness of something bigger than myself and the assurance of the sunrise keeps me grounded and hopeful.

I’m a collector of orange-colored objects.
This growing collection is a mix of gifted items and random knick knacks I’ve come across over the years. Feel free to ask me about it and I might show you some things.